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18-10-16 Visit By Customer From South Asia country

18-10-16 Visit By Customer From South Asia country

18-10-16 Visit By Customer From South Asia country

The customer from South Asia country contacted us on alibaba for the pop up desktop socket product at first.

we have already dicussion the business before and they are going to place the order with 500PCS(5 models in total) but he want to confirm the order after come to our office.

A week ago, we get the message form him that he will come with his partner later, and today, they comes.

They have a happy negotiation with our sales manager and they are satisified with our products and services.

The pop up sockets are very popular in their country and they will have a big demand in the future.

This time they place the trial orders for our new models and we hope they will be hot seller in their market!

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